A spicy, extremely thorough enzyme exfoliant for most skin conditions. (not for acne or rosacea skin)
This has a deep penetrating smooth texture, making it a great alternative to an abrasive, physical scrub.
The enzymes go deeper into the epidermis, stimulating the cells. It's like they're getting a workout and reminding the cells to turn over. Also these enzymes eat up all of the dead protein cells and "glue" that bind them together. Skin looks fresh, firm and ready for deeper absorption of serums and moisturizers.
I use this product once a week in the bath or shower. I use about a dime size and moisturize it all over my face and neck. I leave it on and it does it's work without me scrubbing or manipulating it into my skin. After my bath or shower, about 7 minutes, I rinse it off with tepid water.
You can feel these enzymes working. It doesn't make me red but it is comfortably stimulating.
It's loaded with anti oxidants and is paraben/preservative free!
Won't ya join in next week?